Yorkshire Earl Grey

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On Tap Yorkshire Earl Grey Tea

Yorkshire Earl Grey

Black Tea

Expansive notes of bergamot synergize with a heady blend of Kenyan, Indian and Ceylon teas. Stunning with milk.

On Tap Yorkshire Earl Grey Tea

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Just for Fun: So, what exactly does Earl Grey, or more precisely, Charles Grey, the 2nd Earl of Grey has to do with Yorkshire, a country in Northern England? Hint - the answer isn't "he was born there." Charles Grey was born farther north up in Northumberland. Before 2006 the answer pretty much would have been "nothing", except for the fact that he probably would have traveled through Yorkshire on his way to London to take care of his duties as Prime Minister. So, what happened in 2006 to link the man with the county 161 years after his death? It was the acquisition of his old writing desk by a museum in Leeds, one of Yorkshire's larger centers. Doesn't sound very exciting do it? Well, a lot went down on that desk. For one, he probably drank a lot of tea seated at the decorative rosewood table, which was believed built in 1825. His cup probably would have held an infusion of broad-leafed China black tea scented with his signature bergamot. In his capacity as Prime Minister, he also wrote and signed many important government bills at the ornate desk. Perhaps one of the most important of these was an act to abolish slavery in the colonies. This act put an end to the centuries' old slave trade between Africa, Europe and the New World. In the world of writing desks, it's an important one. To honor the man, his tea and his contribution to a better world for all, we've decided to formulate a new variation of his fantastic namesake blend. To start, rather than use a base blend of Chinese tea, the traditional Earl Grey base, we began with a very flavory blend of high grown, seasonal Ceylon teas from Sri Lanka. Next, as a reference to his abolition of the slavery of the African people, we bolstered the blend with a fabulous BOP grade (Broken Orange Pekoe) from Tinderet estate in Kenya. To this we added our all-natural oil of bergamot to create the tell-tale bite of citrus. The resulting cup is wonderfully rich and robust, laden with round notes of malt and superlative bergamot character. You've never had Earl Grey like this!

On Tap Oil & Vinegar tea nutritional info

Black tea, Cornflower petals, Natural flavors (organic compliant).
Kosher, Vegan.
Allergen Information - None present in product.

Country of Origin
Sri Lanka/India/Kenya
Manufacture Type
Orthodox (Traditional Leafy)
Grade - Orange Pekoe; Broken Orange Pekoe
Caffeine content - Medium
Antioxidant Level - High
Social Accreditations -
98% ETP

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